Hover your mouse over the images below to view the description of each item.
Also we will offer a new variety of chicken starting mid-February 2018, in addition to the meat chicken we currently raise. This heritage bred chicken is called Joyce's Gold from Heritage Hatching and Hens. Please see the link for more details. This is a chicken that has specifically been bred to thrive outdoors by careful selection from a few heritage breeds. Joyce's Gold chicken has outstanding flavour and texture.

Can be cut up or roasted whole in any number of ways.

Made out of meat minced from the de-boned Maryland.

Chicken frame. Also known as back or carcass. This is the part that remains after the various fillets have been cut off. It is excellent for a real flavoured chicken soup.

This is the combined drumstick and thigh. In our opinion it is the tastiest and most versatile part. More flavoursome than the breast fillet, yet still very tender.

Large white, boneless and skinless meat

Also good for soups.

Located under the main breast fillet. Can be used in the same way as breast fillets, also good for shish kebabs / BBQ’s

Beautiful crunchy taste when grilled/baked or fried. Also great for BBQs after marinating.